This workshop will focus on recent advances in our understanding of area laws for 1D systems and beyond, the complexity of ground states of local Hamiltonians, adiabatic quantum computation, topological order, quantum expanders, as well as addressing the PCP theorem from a constraint satisfaction perspective.
Enquiries may be sent to the organizers at this address.
Dorit Aharonov (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Ning Bao (Stanford University), Michael Ben-Or (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Sergio Boixo (Google Research), Fernando Brandao (University College London), Sergey Bravyi (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center), Xie Chen (UC Berkeley), Paul Christiano (UC Berkeley), Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute, Garching), Jens Eisert (Freie Universität Berlin), Eddie Farhi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Michael Freedman (Microsoft Research Station Q), Sevag Gharibian (UC Berkeley), Tarun Grover (Kavli Institute For Theoretical Physics), Jeongwan Haah (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jutho Haegeman (Ghent University), Sean Hallgren (Pennsylvania State University), Aram Harrow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Matt Hastings (Microsoft Research), Patrick Hayden (Stanford University), Sandy Irani (UC Irvine), Rahul Jain (National University of Singapore), Alexandra Kolla (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Greg Kuperberg (UC Davis), Zeph Landau (UC Berkeley), Chris Laumann (University of Washington), Anthony Leverrier (Inria), Michael Levin (University of Chicago), Urmila Mahadev (UC Berkeley), Carl Miller (University of Michigan), Daniel Nagaj (University of Vienna), Ashwin Nayak (University of Waterloo), Xiao-Liang Qi (Stanford University), Sandu Popescu (University of Bristol), Anupam Prakash (UC Berkeley), Or Sattath (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Norbert Schuch (RWTH Aachen), Leonard Schulman (California Institute of Technology), Yaoyun Shi (University of Michigan), Seung Woo Shin (UC Berkeley), Peter Shor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Brian Swingle (Harvard University), Mario Szegedy (Rutgers University), Barbara Terhal (RWTH Aachen), Nathaniel Thomas (Stanford University), Wim van Dam (UC Santa Barbara), Umesh Vazirani (UC Berkeley), Frank Verstraete (University of Vienna), Thomas Vidick (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ashvin Vishwanath (UC Berkeley), Guoming Wang (UC Berkeley), Zhenghan Wang (UC Santa Barbara and Microsoft Research), Xiaodi Wu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Andrew Yao (Tsinghua University), Jon Yard (Microsoft Research Station Q), Henry Yuen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).