Staff Breadcrumb Home People Staff Staff Amy Ambrose Amy AmbroseSenior Development Director/people/amy-ambroseSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Nisha Anadure Nisha AnadureStudent Assistant/people/nisha-anadureUC Berkeley Barry Bödeker Barry BödekerGraphic Designer/people/barry-bodekerSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Natalie Chen Natalie ChenResearch Administrator/people/natalie-chenSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Ashley Hasson Ashley HassonEvents Coordinator/people/ashley-hassonSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Robin Hoey Robin HoeyFacilities Manager/people/robin-hoeySimons Institute, UC Berkeley Kevin Hung Kevin HungInformation Systems Analyst/people/kevin-hungSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Kristin Kane Kristin KaneDirector of Communications and Finance/people/kristin-kaneSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Frances Klingenberger Frances KlingenbergerEvents/people/frances-klingenbergerUC Berkeley Olivia Kurtz Olivia KurtzStudent Assistant/people/olivia-kurtzUC Berkeley Kelsey Larsen Kelsey LarsenFinancial Specialist/people/kelsey-larsenUC Berkeley Leisa Lei Leisa LeiHR Generalist/people/leisa-leiSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Frida Orre Frida OrreExternal Relations Specialist/people/frida-orreSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Atiya Rashid Atiya RashidProgram Coordinator/people/atiya-rashidUCB Lira Skenderi Lira SkenderiTesting/people/lira-skenderiSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Carolyn Winter Carolyn WinterScientific Program Coordinator/people/carolyn-winterSimons Institute, UC Berkeley Carson Fox Young Carson Fox YoungExecutive Assistant/people/carson-fox-youngSimons Institute, UC Berkeley More in People Scientific Leadership Staff Current Long-Term Visitors Research Fellows Postdoctoral Researchers Scientific Advisory Board Governance Board Industry Advisory Council Affiliated Faculty Science Communicators in Residence Law and Society Fellows