
In the wake of the National Quantum Initiative, the Simons Institute’s Research Pod in Quantum Computing brings together researchers from computer science, physics, chemistry, and mathematics to study pressing issues in quantum algorithms, complexity theory, error correction, and near-term quantum devices. This research pod facilitates deep interactions between quantum computing and the rest of theoretical computer science and will help introduce and welcome the larger TCS community into quantum computing research issues. This initiative is led by Simons Institute Research Director for Quantum Computing Umesh Vazirani and is supported in part by the Department of Energy, via the newly established Quantum Systems Accelerator (QSA), and by the National Science Foundation via the Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI) award. 

Apply to join the Quantum Pod
Interested candidates should follow the instructions for the call for applications for postdoctoral researchers or visiting research scientists. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

Supported by:


Visiting Scientists

Nikolas Breuckmann
Nikolas Breuckmann (University of Bristol)
Miklos Santha
Miklos Santha (National University of Singapore)
Xiaodi Wu (University of Maryland)

Quantum Postdoctoral Researchers

Anthony Chen
Anthony Chen (UC Berkeley)
Dominik Hangleiter
Dominik Hangleiter (University of Maryland)
William Kretschmer (University of Texas)
Jiaqi Leng (University of Maryland)
Fermi Ma (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley)
Tony Metger (ETH Zurich)
Hamoon Mousavi (Columbia University)
Ruizhe Zhang (University of Texas at Austin)

Pod Directors

Umesh Vazirani (UC Berkeley)

Past Participants

Nilin Abrahamsen (UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Anurag Anshu (UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Yosi Atia (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Adam Bouland (UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Andrea Coladangelo (California Institute of Technology)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Kirsten Eisentrager (Pennsylvania State University)
Visiting Scientist
Di Fang (UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Uma Girish (Princeton University )
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Sean Hallgren (Pennsylvania State University)
Visiting Scientist
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Jin-Peng Liu (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Qipeng Liu (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Ron Shamir (Tel-Aviv University)
Visiting Scientist
Makrand Sinha (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
Torin Stetina (University of Washington)
Quantum Postdoctoral Researcher
John Wright (University of Texas at Austin)
Visiting Scientist
Quantum Colloquium
Visiting Research Scientists
Simons Quantum Postdoctoral Fellows