The workshop will focus on societal considerations, and their impact on the design of decision-making systems. It will explore connections between data-driven decision processes and areas such as privacy and fairness, design for social good, safety, interpretability and robustness to unforeseen events, and the interactions of decision processes with law and policy.
There will be an in-person poster session during the workshop and the organizers invite applications from students, postdocs, and junior researchers. Applications are now closed.
Itai Ashlagi (Stanford University), Hamsa Bastani (Upenn), Aloni Cohen (Boston University), Kimon Drakopoulos (USC, Marshall School of Business), Moon Duchin (Tufts University), Swati Gupta (Georgia Tech), Christina Ilvento (Harvard University), Himabindu Lakkaraju (Stanford University), Philip LeClerc (US Census Bureau), Lydia Liu (University of California, Berkeley), Vahideh Manshadi (Yale University), Jann Spiess (Stanford University), Jacob Steinhardt (UC Berkeley), Alexander Teytelboym (Oxford University), Wanrong Zhang (Harvard), Juba Ziani (Georgia Institute of Technology)