A sketch of a dataset is a compressed representation of it that still supports answering some set of interesting queries. Sketching has numerous applications including, finding applications to streaming algorithm design, faster dynamic data structures (with some applications to offline algorithms, especially in optimization), distributed algorithms and optimization, and federated learning. This workshop will focus on recent advances in sketching and various such applications. Talks will cover both advances and open problems in the specific area of sketching as well as improvements in other areas of algorithm design that have leveraged sketching results as a key routine.
Specific topics to cover include sublinear memory data structures for dynamic graphs, sketching for machine learning, robust sketching to adaptive adversaries, and the interplay between differential privacy and related models with sketching.
Josh Alman (Columbia), Sepehr Assadi (University of Waterloo and Rutgers University), Moses Charikar (Stanford University), Kenneth Clarkson (IBM Research), Edith Cohen (Tel Aviv University and Google), Sumegha Garg (Rutgers University), Meghal Gupta (UC Berkeley), Piotr Indyk (MIT), John Kallaugher (Sandia National Laboratories), Michael Kapralov (EPFL), Robert Krauthgamer (Weizmann Institute of Science), Kasper Larsen (Aarhus University), Sepideh Mahabadi (Microsoft Research), Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Cameron Musco (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Deanna Needell (University of California, Los Angeles), Rasmus Pagh (University of Copenhagen), Binghui Peng (Columbia University), Mert Pilanci (Stanford University), Aviad Rubinstein (Stanford University), Thatchaphol Saranurak (University of Michigan), Sandeep Silwal (MIT), Mikkel Thorup (University of Copenhagen), Ali Vakilian (TTIC), Jan van den Brand (Georgia Tech), Santhoshini Velusamy (TTIC), Erik Waingarten (University of Pennsylvania), David Woodruff (Carnegie Mellon University), Jiapeng Zhang (University of Southern California), Samson Zhou (Texas A&M University)