
This reunion workshop is for long-term participants in the "Meta-Complexity" program, held in the spring 2023 semester. It will provide an opportunity to meet old and new friends. Moreover, we hope that it will give everyone a chance to reflect on the progress made during the semester and since, and sketch which directions the field should go in the future. In an effort to keep things informal and to encourage open discussion, none of the activities will be recorded. Participation in this workshop is by invitation only. 

If you require special accommodation, please contact our access coordinator at simonsevents [at] berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible.

Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials. 

Invited Participants

Eric Allender (Rutgers University), Noel Arteche (Lund University), Albert Atserias (UPC Barcelona), Marshall Ball (NYU), Adam Becker (N/A), Amos Beimel (BGU), Igor Carboni Oliveira (University of Warwick), Gaia Carenini (École Normale Supérieure -PSL), Marco Carmosino (IBM), Sayak Chakrabarti (Columbia University), Lijie Chen (UC Berkeley), Miranda Christ (Columbia University), John Dellas (McGill University), Vijay Ganesh (Georgia Institute of Technology), Liudmila Glinskih (Boston University), Halley Goldberg (Simon Fraser University), Eli Goldin (New York University), Matthew Gray (University of Oxford), Stefan Grosser (McGill University), Tuomas Hakoniemi (University of Helsinki), Shuichi Hirahara (National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo), Rahul Ilango (MIT), Russell Impagliazzo (UC San Diego), Yuval Ishai (Technion), Brendan Juba (Washington University in St. Louis), Valentine Kabanets (Simon Fraser University), Erfan Khaniki (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences), Antonina Kolokolova (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Oliver Korten (Columbia University), Yuhao Li (Columbia University), Yanyi Liu (Cornell University), Alex Lombardi (Princeton University), Zhenjian Lu (University of Warwick), Tal Malkin (Columbia University), Ian Mertz (University of Warwick), Daniel Mitropolsky (Columbia University), Mikito Nanashima (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Ján Pich (University of Oxford), Toniann Pitassi (Columbia University), Daniel Reichman (WPI), Hanlin Ren (University of Oxford), Robert Robere (McGill University), Gregory Rosenthal (University of Toronto), Rahul Santhanam (University of Oxford), Roei Tell (University of Toronto), Iddo Tzameret (Imperial College London), Neekon Vafa (MIT), Vinodchandran Variyam (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Ryan Williams (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tianqi Yang (Tsinghua University)