Invited Participants

Gasper Begus (UC Berkeley), Katherine Collins (University of Cambridge), Laura Gwilliams (Stanford University), Thomas Icard (Stanford University), Anya Ivanova (Georgia Institute of Technology), Hope Kean (MIT), Brendan Lake (New York University), Kyle Mahowald (UT Austin), Raphaël Millière (Macquarie University), Tom Mitchell (Carnegie Mellon University), Alane Suhr (UC Berkeley), Leslie Valiant (Harvard University), Alex Warstadt (UC San Diego), Ethan Wilcox (Georgetown University)


Registration is required for in-person attendance, access to the livestream, and early access to the recording. Space may be limited, and you are advised to register early. 

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Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials. 

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