This workshop will feature an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the core challenges in the theory and practice of deep learning, with a particular emphasis on the four themes of the program: optimization, generalization, robustness, and generative methods. The aim is to expose the attendees to the current frontier of deep learning research, including presenting the "hot off the press" progress made by program participants, industry visitors, and other invited guests.
Yossi Arjevani (Weizmann Institute of Science), Raman Arora (Johns Hopkins University), Yasaman Bahri (Google Brain), Yu Bai (Stanford University), Bolton Bailey (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Richard Baraniuk (Rice University), Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley), Misha Belkin (Ohio State University), Shai Ben-David (University of Waterloo), Nicholas Carlini (Google Brain), Konstantinos Daskalakis (MIT), Alex Dimakis (University of Texas at Austin), Alyosha Efros (UC Berkeley), Laurent El Ghaoui (UC Berkeley), Noureddine El Karoui (UC Berkeley and Criteo Research), Soheil Feizi (University of Maryland, College Park), Dylan Foster (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)), Jonathan Frankle (MIT), Ruiqi Gao (University of Southern California), Rong Ge (Duke University), Mohammad Ghavamzadeh (Facebook), Suprovat Ghoshal (Indian Institute of Science), Surbhi Goel (University of Texas at Austin), Quanquan Gu (University of California, Los Angeles), Suriya Gunasekar (Toyota Technology Institute, Chicago), Boris Hanin (Texas A&M), Moritz Hardt (UC Berkeley), Katherine Heller (Duke University), Dan Hill (Amazon), Daniel Hsu (Columbia University), Qie Hu (Amazon), Ruhui Jin (University of Texas at Austin), Varun Jog (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Mike Jordan (UC Berkeley), Pritish Kamath (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Stefani Karp (Carnegie Mellon University), Adam Klivans (University of Texas at Austin), Zico Kolter (CMU Bosch), Tomer Koren (Google Research), Gil Kur (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jason Lee (University of Southern California), Qi Lei (University of Texas at Austin), Jerry Li (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Yuanzhi Li (Stanford University), Zachary Lipton (Carnegie Mellon University), Qiang Liu (UC Irvine), Po-Ling Loh (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Philip Long (Google Brain), Michael Mahoney (International Computer Science Institute and UC Berkeley), Nimrod Megiddo (IBM Almaden Research Center), Song Mei (Stanford University), Ofer Meshi (Google), Hossein Mobahi (Google), Omar Montasser (TTI-Chicago), Elchanan Mossel (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Behnam Neyshabur (New York University), Quynh Nguyen (Saarland University), Rina Panigrahy (Google Brain), Christos Papadimitriou (Columbia University), Adit Radhakrishnan (MIT), Maithra Raghu (Google Brain), Ali Rahimi (Google), Sujit Rao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)), Nima Reyhani (), Andrej Risteski (), Daniel Roy (University of Toronto), Gintare Karolina Roy (University of Cambridge), Sushant Sachdeva (University of Toronto), Anant Sahai (UC Berkeley), Colin Sandon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Peter Sarnak (IAS), Dana Scott (UC Berkeley), Adam Sealfon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Hanie Sedghi (Google Brain), Rajat Sen (Amazon), Yaron Singer (Harvard University), Aarti Singh (Carnegie Mellon University), Jascha Sohl-Dickstein (Google Brain), Mahdi Soltanolkotabi (University of Southern California), Dawn Song (UC Berkeley), Daniel Soudry (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), Nati Srebro Bartom (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago), Nike Sun (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), T.S. Jayram (IBM Almaden Research), Yuandong Tian (Facebook), Rene Vidal (Johns Hopkins University), Nisheeth Vishnoi (Yale University), Kiran Vodrahalli (Columbia University), Martin Wainwright (UC Berkeley), Rachel Ward (University of Texas at Austin), Colin Wei (Stanford University), Shirley Wu (University of Texas at Austin), Ruicheng Xian (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Bin Yu (UC Berkeley), Laura Zaremba (Groq), Kai Zhong (Amazon)