This reunion workshop is for long-term participants in the program "Theoretical Foundations of Big Data Analysis" held in the Fall 2013 semester. It will provide an opportunity to meet old and new friends. Moreover, we hope that it will give everyone a chance to reflect on the progress made during the semester and since, and sketch which directions the field should go in in the future.
Alexandr Andoni (Microsoft Research), Peter Bickel (UC Berkeley), Sébastien Bubeck (Princeton University and Microsoft Research Redmond), Ayd?n Buluç (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Emmanuel Candès (Stanford University), Xi Chen (New York University), Ilias Diakonikolas (University of Edinburgh), Michael Friedlander (UC Davis), David Gleich (Purdue University), Moritz Hardt (IBM Almaden), Dorit Hochbaum (UC Berkeley), Martin Jaggi (ETH Zürich), Michael Jordan (UC Berkeley), Ravindran Kannan (Microsoft Research India), Valerie King (University of Victoria), Mladen Kolar (University of Chicago), Yi Li (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), Michael Mahoney (International Computer Science Institute and UC Berkeley), Sang-Yun Oh (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Ely Porat (Bar-Ilan University), Eric Price (University of Texas, Austin), Justin Thaler (Yahoo Labs), David Tse (Stanford University), Caroline Uhler (IST Austria), Martin Wainwright (UC Berkeley), David Woodruff (IBM Almaden), Bin Yu (UC Berkeley).