Orna Grumberg
Orna Grumberg is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Technion. She is a member of the Academia Europaea and an ACM fellow. She holds a PhD from the Computer Science Department at the Technion, and an Honorary Doctorate from the Technical University of Munich.
Her research interests include automated verification of software and hardware; Automated program repair; Exploiting model checking to finding security vulnerabilities; Abstraction, refinement and modularity in model checking; Temporal logics; and automata on infinite objects.
Grumberg serves on the steering committee of the main conference on model checking - Computer-aided Verification (CAV).
Grumberg is the co-author of the highly cited book “Model Checking”, and “Model Checking - second edition”. Her work on counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) has won the CAV award.