Aniello Murano
Aniello Murano is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the Università di Napoli Federico II. He is the coordinator of the ASTREA laboratory and member of the Phd Program Board in Computer Science. His research interests mainly concern formal aspects of system verification and strategic reasoning in multi-agent systems. He is the author of more than 150 scientific publications, most of them appearing in top rated conferences and journals. He regularly get invited to give talks as well as to participate at the Programme Committee board of top rated conferences in AI. He is the co-founder of the International Workshop serie Strategic Reasoning and he is an Editorial Board member of several leading journals in Computer Science and AI. He has been the supervisor of several master and PhD Students, most of them awarded with prizes. He is also the supervisor of post-doctoral researchers and Marie-Curie fellows. He is the recipient of the International Biennal Vigevani Research Prize.