
This workshop will focus on the challenging theoretical questions posed by deep learning methods and the development of mathematical, statistical and algorithmic tools to understand their success and limitations, to guide the design of more effective methods, and to initiate the study of the mathematical problems that emerge. It will bring together computer scientists, statisticians, mathematicians and electrical engineers with these aims. The workshop is supported by the NSF/Simons Foundation Collaboration on the Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning. Participation in this workshop is by invitation only. 

If you require special accommodation, please contact our access coordinator at simonsevents@berkeley.edu with as much advance notice as possible.

Please note: the Simons Institute regularly captures photos and video of activity around the Institute for use in videos, publications, and promotional materials. 

Invited Participants

Pedro Abdalla Teixeira (Pedro Abdalla), Amirhesam Abedsoltan (UC San Diego), Abhineet Agarwal (UC Berkeley), Kiana Asgari (Stanford University), Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley), Daniel Beaglehole (UCSD), Mikhail Belkin (UCSD), Yuhang Cai (University of California, Berkeley), Saptarshi Chakraborty (University of California Berkeley), Fan Chen (MIT), Chen Cheng (Stanford University), Amit Daniely (Hebrew University & Google), Tianyu Guo (UC Berkeley), Soufiane Hayou (UC Berkeley), Yiyun He (uci), Yaxuan Huang (UC Berkeley), Zeyu Jia (MIT), Gal Katzhendler (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Valeriia Kotelnykova (UC Irvine), Jason Lee (Princeton University), Gene Li (TTIC), Kaifeng Lyu (Simons Institute, UC Berkeley), Idan Mehalel (Hebrew University), Song Mei (UC Berkeley), Parsa Mirtaheri (UC San Diego), Kazusato Oko (UC Berkeley), Druv Pai (UC Berkeley), Andrej Risteski (Carnegie Mellon University), Basil Saeed (Stanford), Donya Saless (Toyota Technological institiute at Chicago), James Simon (UC Berkeley), Nati Srebro (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago), D.J. Sutherland (University of British Columbia), Matus Telgarsky (Courant Institute, NYU), Pierfrancesco Urbani (Stanford University), Roman Vershynin (UC Irvine), Sasha Voitovych (MIT), Yuchen Wu (Stanford University), Jingfeng Wu (UC Berkeley), Bin Yu (UC Berkeley), Zeyu Yun (UC Berkeley), Austin Zane (UC Berkeley), Ruiqi Zhang (UC Berkeley), Kangjie Zhou (Stanford University)