Yael Kalai

Yael Kalai

Professor, MIT and Microsoft Research
Yael Tauman Kalai is an Ellen Swallow Richards Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She earned a BSc in Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an MS in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from The Weizmann Institute of Science, and a PhD in Computer Science from MIT. Her honours include an Outstanding Master's Thesis Prize from The Weizmann Institute of Science in 2001 and the George M. Sprowls Award for Best Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science from MIT in 2007. Prof Kalai is the recipient of the 2022 ACM Prize in Computing “for breakthroughs in verifiable delegation of computation and fundamental contributions to cryptography.” In 2018, she was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematics. She became a Fellow of the International Association for Cryptologic Research in 2022.

Program Visits

Meta-Complexity, Spring 2023, Visiting Scientist
Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society, Fall 2019, Visiting Scientist and Program Organizer
Proofs, Consensus, and Decentralizing Society, Fall 2019, Visiting Scientist
Cryptography, Summer 2015, Visiting Scientist
Cryptography, quantum complexity, theory of computation