Sreeram Kannan
Sreeram Kannan is currently an assistant professor in the department of Electrical Engineering at University of Washington, Seattle. He was a postdoctoral scholar at University of California, Berkeley till recently, before which he received his PhD in Electrical Engineering and MS in mathematics from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. He is a recipient of the Van Valkenburg research award from UIUC, 2013, a co-recipient of the Qualcomm Cognitive Radio Contest first prize, 2010, a recipient of Qualcomm CTO Roberto Padovani outstanding intern award, 2010, a recipient of the S.V.C. Aiya medal from the Indian Institute of Science, 2008, and a co-recipient of Intel India Student Research Contest first prize, 2006. His research interests include the applications of information theory and approximation algorithms to computational biology and wireless networks.