Rad Niazadeh
Rad Niazadeh is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He is also part of the faculty at Toyota Technological Institute of Chicago (TTIC) by a courtesy appointment. Prior to joining Chicago Booth, he was a visiting researcher at Google Research NYC and a Motwani postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, Computer Science Department. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science (minored in Applied Mathematics) from Cornell University. He primarily studies the interplay between algorithms, incentives, and learning, with the goal of advancing the theoretical methodologies and foundations of market design and operations in dynamic and complex environments. On the practical side, his research aims to build generic frameworks to design faster and more economically efficient online marketplaces, and also to help with addressing humanitarian needs (such as equity, fairness, and non-discrimination) in operations of governmental agencies and non-profit organizations.