Prakash Panangaden
Prakash Panangaden attended the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur, where he obtained an MSc in Physics. He received an MS in Physics from the University of Chicago and then a PhD in Physics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee on the topic of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. He switched to computer science in 1982, obtaining a MS in Computer Science from the University of Utah. He was an assistant professor at Cornell University, where he worked on programming language semantics, type theory and concurrency, and then was an associate professor and professor at McGill University in Montreal. Panangaden has spent sabbatical leaves at Cambridge University, Aarhus University and Oxford University as well as shorter visits to CWI Amsterdam, Université de Paris VII and University of Technology Sydney. His research interests are in probabilistic processes, modal logic, semantics, quantum information, machine learning, and some topics in mathematics and physics. He has been an invited speaker at several conferences, including ETAPS, ICALP, MFPS, LICS, and Symposium on Domain Theory in Xi'an, and was a joint plenary speaker at CONCUR-PODC in Toronto in 2008. He is on the editorial board of Logical Methods In Computer Science, Journal of Algebraic and Logic Programming, Computability, Acta Informatica, and Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. He has been the PC chair of several conferences, including ACM-IEEE Symposium On Logic In Computer Science, MFPS and QEST. He has supervised sixteen PhD theses.