Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Panayotis Mertikopoulos is a Researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). Before joining CNRS, he received his undergraduate degree in physics from the University of Athens, his MSc and MPhil in mathematics from Brown University, and his PhD also from the University of Athens. He has since spent a year at École Polytechnique in France as a postdoctoral researcher, and has held visiting positions as an invited professor at the University of Rome, UC Berkeley, and EPFL. His research interests span the interface of game theory, learning and optimization, with a special view towards their applications to machine learning, operations research, and network theory. He is especially interested in the equilibrium convergence properties of multi-agent learning algorithms and dynamics, their rate of convergence (when they converge), and the type of off-equilibrium behavior that may arise (when they do not).