Michael Mislove
Michael Mislove holds the Pendergraft Herbert Buchanan Professorship in the Department of Mathematics at Tulane University, where he also is Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include domain theory, topological algebra and non-well-founded set theory in mathematics, semantics of high-level programming languages and computational models for probabilistic computation in computer science, and classical and quantum computation and information. Mislove was a Humboldt Foundation Fellow, and a Fulbright Scholar, and has held visiting positions at Tuebingen University, Germany, the Technical University of Darmstadt, the University of Oxford and the University of Paris VII. He is the co-author of 3 monographs, 9 book chapters, 42 journal articles and 27 conference proceeding papers. Mislove also is Founder and Managing Editor of the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, an editor of Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematical Structures for Computer Science, and Semigroup Forum, and a co-editor of the Atlantis Studies in Computing monograph series. He also edits the Semantics Column of the quarterly ACM SIGLOG newsletter.