Marc Uetz
Marc Uetz graduated in Mathematics from the Technical University of Berlin in 1997, and received his PhD in Mathematics from the same university in 2001. His advisor was Rolf Möhring. From 2002 to 2009, he was assistant and associate professor at Maastricht University, in the Department of Economics. Since 2007, he has been the chair of Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Programming in the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Twente. He has been a visiting professor at various institutions, including the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (2003), TU Vienna (2004), Zhejiang University (2010 & 2012), IBM T.J. Watson USA (2007 & 2011), and TU Berlin (2014). His research area is in discrete optimization and algorithmic game theory, with fundamental contributions particularly in the theory of scheduling. Since 2011, he has been area editor for Operations Research Letters. He has advised no fewer than 12 PhD students since 2009.