Manuela M. Veloso
Manuela M. Veloso is the Head of J.P. Morgan AI Research, which pursues fundamental research in areas of core relevance to financial services, including data mining and cryptography, machine learning, explainability, and human-AI interaction. J.P. Morgan AI Research partners with applied data analytics teams across the firm as well as with leading academic institutions globally. Professor Veloso is on leave from Carnegie Mellon University, where she has been a professor for over 30 years. Professor Veloso is the Past President of AAAI, (the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), and the co-founder, Trustee, and Past President of RoboCup. Professor Veloso has been recognized with multiple honors, including being a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, AAAS, and AAAI. She is the recipient of several best paper awards, the Einstein Chair of the Chinese Academy of Science, the ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award, an NSF Career Award, and the Allen Newell Medal for Excellence in Research. Manuela holds an 1992 Ph.D. in Computer Science School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 1986 M.A. in Computer Science Computer Science Department, Boston University, Boston 1984 M.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal ´ 1980 Licenciatura in Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal.