Lek-Heng Lim
Lek-Heng Lim's research focuses on tensors and their coordinate representations, hypermatrices. He is interested in the hypermatrix equivalents of various matrix notions, their mathematical and computational properties, and their applications to science and engineering. Another area of Lim's interests is applied/computational algebraic and differential geometry, particularly Hodge Laplacians and geometry of subspaces. Lim is also generally interested in numerical linear algebra, optimization and machine learning. He was educated at Stanford University (PhD), Cambridge University, Cornell University (MS), and the National University of Singapore (BS). Prior to joining the University of Chicago as an Assistant Professor, he was the Charles Morrey Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley. Lim serves on the editorial boards of Linear Algebra and its Applications and Linear and Multilinear Algebra. His work is supported by an AFOSR Young Investigator Award and an NSF Early Career Award.