Jean Walrand
Jean Walrand received his PhD in EECS from UC Berkeley. He is the co-author of Communication Networks: A Concise Introduction (Morgan Claypool 2010), Scheduling and Congestion Control for Communication and Processing Networks (Morgan Claypool, 2010), High-Performance Communication Networks (2nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2000), and Sharing Network Resources (Morgan Claypool, 2014), and is the author of An Introduction to Queueing Networks (Prentice Hall, 1988) and Probability in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Amazon, 2014). Walrand is a Fellow of the Belgian American Education Foundation and of the IEEE, and is a recipient of the INFORMS Lanchester Prize, the IEEE Stephen O. Rice Prize, the 2012 IEEE Koji Kobayashi Award, and the 2013 ACM Sigmetrics Achievement Award.