Evelyn Tang
Evelyn Tang is interested in how topology and geometry in complex systems facilitate dynamics and information processing. Some examples include how brain structure and activity reflect changes in development and learning, and how global electronic topology robustly determines electrical conductance.
Currently, she is an Africk Family Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, in the Complex Systems Group, with Danielle Bassett. Tang's work focuses on understanding how white matter connectivity supports brain activity and dynamics, and furthermore how this connectivity changes as a child matures into an adult. In addition, she is working on quantifying the intrinsic shape (such as the dimension) of neural data from human subjects as they learn the value of objects.
In 2015, Tang received her PhD in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she worked with Xiao-Gang Wen on topological phases of quantum electronic systems, especially with frustrated geometries. She holds an MPhil at the University of Cambridge (where she was a Gates scholar), and a BS from Yale University.