Bert Zwart
Bert Zwart is a researcher at CWI, where he leads the Stochastics group. He also holds secondary positions at Eindhoven University of Technology (Professor), and Georgia Tech (Adjunct Professor). Previously, he held a Coca-Cola Chair at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research is in applied probability and stochastic operations research, inspired by problems in computer, communication, energy and service networks. Zwart is the 2008 recipient of the Erlang prize for outstanding contributions to applied probability by a researcher not older than 35 years old, an IBM faculty award, VENI, VIDI and VICI awards from the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO), the 2015 Van Dantzig award, and numerous best papers awards. He has co-authored more than 100 refereed publications, has been area editor of Stochastic Models for the journal Operations Research since 2009, and serves on several additional journal boards and TPCs.