Letter from the Director, November 2022

Dear friends,

It has been an active November at the Simons Institute. We held our annual Industry Day followed immediately by its sibling event, Quantum Industry Day, which was introduced for the first time last year. We share a talk from Industry Day in our SimonsTV corner this month: a presentation by Nitin Sharma (PayPal) on online fraud detection. And we'll share highlights from Quantum Industry Day next month.

We’re delighted to be featuring a policy-and-practice white paper on causal inference by Nathaniel Popper, who was our science communicator in residence this past spring, and was a staff writer at the New York Times for many years. The white paper was developed in connection with the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s grant to the Simons Institute in support of our Spring 2022 research program on Causality. 

Wishing you happy holidays — be it turkey or tofu, most importantly I hope you experience joy.


Shafi Goldwasser
Director, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
