Calendar MonthWeekDayMarch 2025SunMonTueWedThuFriSat2324252627281234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303112345 MonthWeekDayMarch 2025No events found Other calendars to consider UC Berkeley Mathematics DepartmentUC Berkeley Statistics DepartmentUC Berkeley Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences DepartmentMathematical Sciences Research InstituteInternational Computer Science Institute Calvin Lab room calendars Small auditorium 116Conference room 146Conference room 217Interaction area 250Recording studio 313 Other calendars to consider UC Berkeley Mathematics DepartmentUC Berkeley Statistics DepartmentUC Berkeley Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences DepartmentMathematical Sciences Research InstituteInternational Computer Science Institute Calvin Lab room calendars Small auditorium 116Conference room 146Conference room 217Interaction area 250Recording studio 313